吉他mi指型吉他谱_我需要一个吉他老师。 所以我把我的Alexa变成了一个。
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by Terren Peterson

由Terren Peterson

我需要一个吉他老师。 所以我把我的Alexa变成了一个。 (I needed a guitar teacher. So I turned my Alexa into one.)

Learning how to play guitar takes practice. A lot of practice. One of my self-improvement goals is to get better playing the guitar.

学习弹吉他需要练习。 很多练习。 我的自我完善目标之一是提高吉他演奏水平。

An area I’m working on now is finger positioning on the fretboard. This requires memorization of different patterns of where to touch the strings. Improvement takes frequent practice and coaching, but is quite rewarding.

我现在正在研究的区域是手指在指板上的位置。 这需要记住在何处触摸琴弦的不同模式。 改进需要频繁的练习和指导,但是却很有收获。

Researching what’s available on the internet showed me many musicians lending a hand. A popular medium where they are sharing is YouTube. The video below has more than five million views, demonstrating the broad usage. The instructor steps through the basics of finger positioning and notes.

研究互联网上的可用内容后,我发现许多音乐家都在伸出援手。 他们共享的一种流行媒体是YouTube。 以下视频的观看次数超过500万,展示了广泛的用法。 指导老师逐步讲解手指定位和音符的基础知识。

These videos are great for getting started, but what gets lost is how to focus completely on the music. Focusing my attention on finger placement and note recognition is how I move forward.

这些视频非常适合入门,但是丢失的是如何完全专注于音乐。 我将注意力集中在手指放置和音符识别上,这是我前进的方式。

I tried different YouTube artists in an attempt to find the perfect coach. The limitation I continue to run into is not the artist or the audio quality of the device. Rather the limitation is the medium itself of a video playing on my phone or laptop. When practicing, I never get any exercise correct in the first attempt. Given the interface of YouTube, it’s difficult to playback sections given that my hands are on my guitar.

我尝试了其他YouTube艺术家,以寻找理想的教练。 我继续遇到的限制不是艺术家或设备的音频质量。 相反,限制是在手机或笔记本电脑上播放的视频本身的媒体。 练习时,我第一次尝试都做不到正确的运动。 有了YouTube的界面,由于我的手放在吉他上,因此很难播放部分内容。

所以我建立了Alexa吉他老师的技能 (So I built the Alexa Guitar Teacher Skill)

This highlights where interactive voice applications are better than traditional mobile platforms. A voice application doesn’t need use of your hands. Playback of a section requires my voice, and my hands stay on the guitar. For learners like me that need to repeat lessons to get them correct, being hands-free is a huge asset.

这突出了交互式语音应用程序比传统移动平台更好的地方。 语音应用程序无需动手。 播放一段音乐需要我的声音,而我的手则放在吉他上。 对于像我这样的学习者来说,他们需要重复上课才能使他们正确,因此免提是一项巨大的财富。

I tried out what was available in the skill store, but found skills that were very simplistic . Some didn’t even feature the sound of a guitar, rather a monotone voice giving instructions. So I did what any software engineer would do, and came up with one myself called “”.

我试用了技能库中可用的功能,但发现技能非常简单。 有些甚至没有吉他的声音,而是单调的声音来指示。 因此,我做了任何软件工程师都会做的事情,并提出了一个自己的名字叫“ ”的 。

The Alexa platform has the ability to interact with someone using only their voice. This frees up fingers to focus on playing the strings. Here’s a quick demonstration of the skill with some of the core features.

Alexa平台具有仅使用语音与某人交互的能力。 这样可以解放手指,专注于弹奏琴弦。 这是一些核心功能的快速演示。

它是如何工作的? (How does it work?)

Despite what you see with most skills on the platform, Alexa can do more than speak words. More complex voice applications use a syntax known as SSML. This mixes together the machine voice with sounds that recorded to a Mp3 file.

尽管您在平台上拥有大多数技能,但是Alexa不仅可以说出文字,还可以做更多的事情。 更复杂的语音应用程序使用称为SSML的语法。 这会将机器声音与录制到Mp3文件中的声音混合在一起。

Here’s the syntax required that uses Alexa to explain how to position your fingers to play a standard chord. This section of the code plays sound of the chord to reinforce what comes out of an actual guitar.

这是使用Alexa来解释如何放置手指以弹奏标准和弦所需的语法。 代码的此部分播放和弦声音,以增强实际吉他发出的声音。

{“outputSpeech”: {“type”: “SSML”,“ssml”:“
Okay, let’s get started on how to play the chord C Major.
Here are the finger positions. Your index finger will be on string 2 pressing down on fret 1.
Your middle finger will be on string 4 pressing down on fret 2.
Finally, your ring finger will be on string 5 pressing down on fret 3.
Now go ahead and play the chord C Major.
One more time.
If you’re ready for another chord to learn, please ask for it now.For example, say Teach me how to play A Major.

使用视觉效果来补充音频体验 (Using visuals to complement the audio experience)

A well written skill shares visuals by pushing cards to the companion app on the users phone or tablet. These visuals reinforce the audio delivered, and complement the content.

写得好的技巧是通过将卡片推到用户手机或平板电脑上的配套应用程序来共享视觉效果。 这些视觉效果增强了所传递的音频,并补充了内容。

Below is an example of a card that displays how to position each finger on the guitar when playing a chord. The audio provides explicit details using voice instructions to the user. The visual reinforces the message using another medium. The diagram included is a standard notation used by guitar players.

下面是一张卡片的示例,该卡片显示弹奏和弦时如何将每个手指放在吉他上。 音频使用语音指令向用户提供明确的详细信息。 视觉效果使用其他媒体来增强消息。 包含的图表是吉他演奏者使用的标准符号。

There are also cards showing the location on the fretboard of different notes. Once again, this reinforces what is being described through the audio of the skill.

也有卡片显示不同音符在指板上的位置。 再一次,这加强了通过技能的声音所描述的内容。

These cards contain similar content to graphics embedded in YouTube videos.


One advantage is that these cards display salient information without using your hands. Rewinding the skill with to play back a previous session also replays the cards. Your voice completely drives the narration. No buttons, hand gestures, or mouse clicks hit the back button or similar actions. Fingers focus on plucking and pressing down strings to create music.

优点之一是这些卡无需用手即可显示重要信息。 倒带播放上一会话的技能也会重播纸牌。 您的声音完全推动了叙述。 没有按钮,手势或鼠标单击会击中后退按钮或类似操作。 手指专注于弹奏和按下弦乐来创作音乐。

Alexa缺少什么功能? (What feature is Alexa missing?)

It’s still early in the adoption of voice platforms. I’d expect to see more applications like mine that take advantage of the voice interface. Gaps exist where apps exclusive to a mobile device are superior.

语音平台的采用还处于早期阶段。 我希望看到更多像我这样的利用语音接口的应用程序。 在移动设备专用的应用程序优越的地方存在差距。

One feature for Alexa is enabling the raw sound data from the microphones to the application. Today Alexa translates every sound directly to text. This limits the ability for the platform to listen to tones when I play the instrument. Helpful mobile apps validate the sounds played, and let the user know the correct tones.

Alexa的一项功能是启用从麦克风到应用程序的原始声音数据。 今天,Alexa将每种声音直接转换为文本。 这限制了平台在我弹奏乐器时听音频的能力。 有用的移动应用程序可验证播放的声音,并让用户知道正确的音调。

反馈欢迎 (Feedback Welcome)

If you’re an aspiring musician like me and have an Alexa device, please give the skill a try. Like all Alexa skills, it’s free to enable. It would be great to have some feedback on what’s useful and other features to add. I’m still learning the instrument, so I also welcome any advice on what’s missing from the skill.

如果您是像我这样有抱负的音乐家,并且拥有Alexa装置,请尝试一下该技巧。 像所有Alexa技能一样,它是免费启用的。 对于有用的东西和要添加的其他功能有一些反馈,这将是很棒的。 我仍在学习该乐器,因此,我也欢迎您提供有关此技能缺少的任何建议。




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